Buzz Words: Coffee Lingo & You

Jacob F. Keller
4 min readMay 29, 2020


Don’t let fancy lingo discourage you from exploring the world of coffee

When I first dipped my toe into the wondrous world of coffee, I was overwhelmed and confused by all the strange words and phrases used to describe such a simple drink. I had no idea there could be so many variations and customizations. For me, and for a lot of people, coffee was always a cup of hot, bitter black stuff you got from either the decanter with the black handle or the one with the orange handle. You know the stuff, right?

At the same time, trying to decode the coffee lexicon in a hipster cafe in Los Angeles didn’t help much either. Like, what the hell is a macchiato?! Or a doppio? Or a frappelattedingdong? (ok I made that one up). But when it comes to coffee lingo, things can get real complicated real quick. There’s some Italian floating around, maybe some French or Viennese German, and then Dunkin’ Donuts and other chains start throwing in their own words. It’s complicated, to say the least. Oh, as a side note, if you come across any coffee place that makes a latte pun, they will probably not have good coffee.

Before we go any further, I think it’s time to cover some basics of “coffee talk” (Linda Richman not included with purchase). After all, how are we going to be able to communicate about coffee if we don’t speak the same language?


DRIP COFFEE — This is your basic hot coffee. Water through grounds. Varying degrees of awfulness as seen in a previous article. But good luck if this is your jam, no judgment.

ICED COFFEE — Better coffee. This is coffee that has been brewed with hot water and then chilled with ice. It can be sharp and bitter but also refreshing and clean if done right. Simple syrups and milks will help add more flavor and body.

COLD BREW — Best coffee. Coffee beans are ground a little courser and allowed to soak in cool water for as long as 24 hours. This extracts a very smooth and less acidic coffee than iced coffee. It doesn’t need anything else except a few ice cubes and a splash of cream.

NITRO COLD BREW — Nectar of the gods. This is cold brew coffee infused with tiny nitrogen bubbles to create a silky smooth, frothy, and chocolaty texture on your tongue. It doesn’t alter the flavor of normal cold brew, but the nitrogen aerates it thereby enhancing the natural chemical compounds found in the cold brew. Sip it, don’t use a straw.

FRAPPUCCINO — Fake Italian for overloaded sugar bomb that tastes vaguely like coffee. I’m sucker for a good Frappuchino once in a blue moon. But for the price, it doesn’t beat a cold cup of nitro cold brew that you can sip on a hot day.

ESPRESSO — Coffee that has been ground to a very specific size that is then brewed under a specific pressure and temperature to produce a very rich, bold, and caffeinated drink. It’s also quite bitter in its raw form so it’s usually combined with milk and sugar to create all kinds of coffee drinks.

Though espresso machines have come down in price considerably, not all machines are equal. It’s best to find one that is at least a few hundred dollars or just let the experts pull the espresso for you at your favorite coffee joint. Chances are their machine is much better than anything you could afford.

Thanks to Mike Marquez for sharing their work on Unsplash.


DOPPIO — 2 shots of espresso. Boom boom.

LUNGO — a looooooong shot of espresso which has more water.

RISTRETTO — A short shot of espresso with less water.

AMERICANO — Espresso shots topped off with hot water; can be iced as well.

LATTE — Espresso plus milk; also comes in iced form.

FLAT WHITE — Espresso that is mostly milk. Comes courtesy from our friends Down Under.

AFFOGATO — Sometimes called a ‘Cafe Glace’ is just espresso with ice cream. YUM!

ESPRESSO CON PANNA — Sometimes called ‘Vienna Coffee’ or a ‘Franziskaner’ is just espresso with whipped cream on top.

CORRETO/FREDO/IRISH COFFEE — This is just espresso with liquor. If it’s hot it’s a ‘Correto’, iced then it’s a ‘Fredo’, and if you want some whipped cream on it then it’s an ‘Irish Coffee’. Same basic construction, three different names. Sheesh!

Now get out there! Order an americano or nitro cold brew or even a Con Panna if you’re feeling adventurous. Just try something with confidence!

Sip well my friends,




Jacob F. Keller
Jacob F. Keller

Written by Jacob F. Keller

Screenwriter. Viiiideohhh Editor at large. Occasional gamer and coffee talker.

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